
I wonder as I wander, out under the sky,
How Jesus the Saviour did come for to die
For poor ord’n’ry people like you and like I.
I wonder as I wander, out under the sky.

As I plodded between Chyandour, Long Rock and back – usually completely alone and unsheltered from the weather – I was left alone with my thoughts, and they helped me consolidate my faith in God. I conclusively believed in Jesus and the accuracy of the Bible when eight or nine in Alexandra Road Methodist Church, Penzance, but it was during my teens that I thrashed out other aspects of my faith. My geology teacher, for instance, told us quite sympathetically that although we might have been taught that God made the world in seven days, that was not actually true, … but I knew the Bible account of Adam and Eve was part of the whole package-deal of Christianity, and couldn’t be denied. I believed that Genesis could be fitted in somehow, and conscientiously did well in geology – getting my ‘A’ level in the subject a year early, and the school prize for that science – choosing an Ian Allen Combined Volume as a reward and so rather puzzling my headmaster upon presentation!

Not content with the paradox in my mind in trying to accept both the Bible and Evolution, I eventually discovered books by Christian scientists on origins, and for many years I used my graphic design skills to promote Creation Science, until the science got too complicated for me, and a wonderful array of Creation organisations grew up that puts over the subject far better than I could. Evolution is a total deceit, and only adhered to because it supposedly rules out God as our Creator. It cannot explain the origin of matter, nor its complex organisation, and gives no hope. Visit Creation.com or AnswersInGenesis.org and see.

In case Christianity is unknown to you, let me briefly describe it. You came into a world that was already there, and had to make sense of it from your own gradual understanding, … and what others told you for those things outside your experience. It is an amazing world – from the vastness of the universe to the complexity of the genetic code – but there is much horribly wrong in it too.

The Bible – God’s inspired revelation – says the world was made perfect, but the first humans disobeyed God, sending a ripple of destruction throughout the universe leading to the mixture of good and bad we experience today. We all do things our creator God hates – called ‘sin’ – helping this destruction intensify. However, this damaged universe is temporary – as God has intentionally suspended ‘eternity’ by the short period of ‘time’ we presently live in – and uses it to seek a personal relationship with each one of us. God is love – he’s almighty, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, … but above all, love!

In love, God came himself as Jesus to save us from destruction, by taking on the cross the punishment we each deserve for our personal sin upon himself, so that if we accept he has done this, we are declared ‘innocent’ again by God, and will from that instant live with Him … forever. God can connect with you the moment you come to your senses and believe in Him. All this can all be found in the ‘Holy Bible’ – the most prolific and discussed book in the world – best explored with the help of Christians who believe every word of it. Be assured – the God who created every particle of matter will have no problem finding you, once you believe He’s there!

The Bible describes itself as “God-breathed”, is totally dependable on all it claims, and really is “an anvil that has worn out many hammers”. Get a copy, and start with the books about Jesus near the back in ‘The New Testament’. I fell in love with the accounts of this absolutely different and wonderful person, and I hope you do too. It will give you a future and a hope that endures all things, … yet still appreciate railways! It is no surprise to me that a Reverend wrote the ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’ books, or that a locomotive has been named after ‘Bishop Eric Treacy’!!